What's For Dinner: Asian Spring Rolls


Spring rolls are great for lunch, dinner, or even an after-school snack. You can put whatever you have on hand in them, they don’t take long to make, and the wrappers can be kept in the pantry for months!


We had a variety of veggies in ours, some Asian Ground NotPork and topped it all of with a bit of Nori Komi Furikake (Rice Seasoning). This type of Furikake doesn’t have any fish in it.

Here’s the setup.


The fixings are: avocado slices, dried daikon shreds (reconstituted in cold water), red bell pepper, grated carrot, sliced cucumber, shredded zuchinni, chopped green bell pepper, and chopped red onion. The Notpork is the stuff in the upper right that looks like ground pork, and the Furikake is in the container just below it.

Dealing with spring roll wrappers is pretty simple. You will need a bowl with some cold water in it. I’m using a pie plate, because it’s just the right size for these wrappers.

Take a wrapper out of the package and set the package aside so you don’t get the others wet.


Slide the wrapper into the bowl of water.


It only needs to be in there for a few seconds! It will still be stiff when you take it back out, and put it on a plate.

Fill the center of the lower half with whatever you wish. Be careful not to over fill it! It’s better to make two smaller ones than one big fat one!

Then fold the sides over the filling until they can touch and stick together.


Then fold the bottom up and start rolling up the spring roll. Be careful, because by now, the wrapper will be soft and can tear if you tug too hard on it.


That’s really all there is to it! You can eat it, and then make another, or you can make a few and eat them when you’re done!


You can’t make a lot of spring rolls ahead of time. When the wrappers dry out, they get stiff and chewy. Make these just before serving.

This is a great “hands on” project for a family dinner or a party. Show the others how to make them, and then sit back and relax! All you had to do was prep the fixing ahead of time!


Asian Spring Rolls

Asian Spring Rolls



avocado slices

daikon shreds, dried, reconstituted in cold water

red bell pepper

carrot, grated

cucumber, sliced

zucchini, shredded

green bell pepper, chopped

red onion, chopped

Nori Komi Furikake

spring roll wrappers


Slide a rice paper wrapper into a bowl of water. It only needs to be in there for a few seconds! It will still be stiff when you take it back out, and put it on a plate.

Fill the center of the lower half with whatever you wish. Be careful not to over fill it!

Fold the sides over the filling until they can touch and stick together. Then fold the bottom up and start rolling up the spring roll. Be careful, because by now, the wrapper will be soft and can tear if you tug too hard on it.


Asian Spring Rolls
Asian Spring Rolls
Asian Spring Rolls
Asian Spring Rolls
Asian Spring Rolls
Asian Spring Rolls